Source code for xpipe.xhandle.parbins

from __future__ import print_function, division

import os

import fitsio as fio
import kmeans_radec as krd
import numpy as np

from .ioshear import makecat
from .. import paths
from import to_pandas
from import selector, matchdd

flist_suffix = "_flist.dat"
rlist_suffix = "_rlist.dat"
flist_jk_suffix = "_flist_jk.dat"
rlist_jk_suffix = "_rlist_jk.dat"

def get_dpath(params, dirpaths):
    """Return absolute path to project subdirectory"""
    dpath = dirpaths['xin'] + "/" + params["tag"]
    return dpath

def _bin_fnames(qlist, fnames):
    all_list = []
    chunk = []
    for i, qname in enumerate(qlist):
        if i == 0 or qlist[i - 1] == qlist[i]:
            chunk = [fnames[i],]


    return all_list

[docs]def get_file_lists(params=None, dirpaths=None): """ Return lists of input files Parameters ---------- params : dict Pipeline settings in a dictionary format. dirpaths : dict Pipeline directory paths in a dictionary format. Returns ------- list, list, list, list * list of the input **lens** file paths for each parameter bin * list of the **lens** K-means patches files for each parameter bin. This is a nested list, the top level contains different bins, while each entry is a list of different patches. * list of the input **random point** file paths for each parameter bin * list of the **random point** K-means patches files for each parameter bin. This is a nested list, the top level contains different bins, while each entry is a list of different patches. """ if params is None: params = paths.params if dirpaths is None: dirpaths = paths.dirpaths dpath = get_dpath(params, dirpaths) fpath = dpath + "/" + params["tag"] + flist_suffix fpath_jk = dpath + "/" + params["tag"] + flist_jk_suffix try: with open(fpath) as file: flist = with open(fpath_jk) as file: _flist_jk = qtags = [fname.split("_qbin-")[1].split("_patch")[0] for fname in _flist_jk] flist_jk = _bin_fnames(qtags, _flist_jk) except IOError: flist = None flist_jk = None rpath = dpath + "/" + params["tag"] + rlist_suffix rpath_jk = dpath + "/" + params["tag"] + rlist_jk_suffix try: with open(rpath) as file: rlist = with open(rpath_jk) as file: _rlist_jk = qtags = [fname.split("_qbin-")[1].split("_patch")[0] for fname in _rlist_jk] rlist_jk = _bin_fnames(qtags, _rlist_jk) except IOError: rlist = None rlist_jk = None return flist, flist_jk, rlist, rlist_jk
[docs]def field_cut(ra, dec, borders): """ Applies RA, DEC cut based on DES field boundaries Parameters ---------- ra : np.array right ascension dec : np.array declination borders : dict dictionary with rectangular boundaries of the selected area Notes ----- Define borders like:: spt = { "dec_top" : -30., "dec_bottom" : -60., "ra_left" : 0., "ra_right" : 360., } Returns ------- np.array * bool array indexing the objects within the selected area """ select = np.zeros(len(ra), dtype=bool) # so far this is only suitable for the current DES footprint if borders['ra_right'] < borders['ra_left']: select += ((borders['dec_top'] > dec) * (borders['dec_bottom'] < dec) * ((borders['ra_left'] < ra) + (borders['ra_right'] > ra))) else: select += ((borders['dec_top'] > dec) * (borders['dec_bottom'] < dec) * (borders['ra_left'] < ra) * (borders['ra_right'] > ra)) return select
[docs]def get_fields_auto(params=None): """ Extracts field boundaries from project :code:`params` dictionary Parameters ---------- params : dict Pipeline settings in a dictionary format. If :code:`None` then the default :py:data:`paths.params` will be used Returns ------- dict * fields to be used with boundaries """ if params is None: params = paths.params fields = {} for name in params["fields_to_use"]: fields.update({name : params["fields"][name]}) return fields
[docs]def load_lenscat(params=None, fullpaths=None, which=None): """ Loads lens catalog from fits file Parameters ---------- params : dict Pipeline settings in a dictionary format. If :code:`None` then the default :py:data:`paths.params` will be used fullpaths : dict Pipeline file paths in a dictionary format. If :code:`None` then the default :py:data:`paths.fullpaths` will be used which : int or tuple if lens catalog consists of multiple file, this is the index for which to load. It should index the paths.fullpaths list to recover the absolute filepath of the loaded file Returns ------- dict, np.array, record-array * lens catalog data in format, * bool array for selection, * raw data table before selection Notes ------ If using custom settings, you have to specify both :code:`params` and :code:`fullpaths`! Using inconsitent definitions result in a :code:`SyntaxError`. The first output is a dict with the following keys: * :code:`id` catalog ID of the lenses * :code:`ra` Right Ascension of the lenses * :code:`dec` Delination of the lenses * :code:`z` Redshift of the lenses * :code:`qlist` np.array of quantities with shape (n_lens, n_quantity) """ if params is None and fullpaths is None: params = paths.params fullpaths = paths.fullpaths elif None in (params, fullpaths): raise SyntaxError("Some of the arguments are left at default," " which results in inconsistent behaviour. " "If using custom input, define all arguments!") lenspath = fullpaths[params["cat_to_use"]]["lens"] if isinstance(lenspath, np.ndarray): lenscat =[which]) else: lenscat = lenskey = params['lenskey'] ids = lenscat[lenskey['id']] ra = lenscat[lenskey['ra']] mira = ra < 0. ra[mira] = ra[mira] + 360. dec = lenscat[lenskey['dec']] z = lenscat[lenskey["z"]] if params["fields_to_use"] is not None: select = np.zeros(len(ra), dtype=bool) fields = get_fields_auto() for name in fields.keys(): select += field_cut(ra, dec, fields[name]) else: select = np.ones(len(ra), dtype=bool) # number of parameter columns nq = len(lenskey.keys()) - 4 if "jkey" in lenskey.keys(): nq -= 1 qlist = np.zeros(shape=(len(ra), nq)) for ival in np.arange(nq): colname = "q" + str(ival) qlist[:, ival] = lenscat[lenskey[colname]] data = { "id" : ids[select], "ra" : ra[select], "dec" : dec[select], "z": z[select], "qlist" : qlist[select] } return data, lenscat[select]
[docs]def load_randcat(params=None, fullpaths=None, which=None): """ Loads random point catalog from fits file Parameters ---------- params : dict Pipeline settings in a dictionary format. If :code:`None` then the default :py:data:`paths.params` will be used fullpaths : dict Pipeline file paths in a dictionary format. If :code:`None` then the default :py:data:`paths.fullpaths` will be used which : int or tuple if lens catalog consists of multiple file, this is the index for which to load. It should index the paths.fullpaths list to recover the absolute filepath of the loaded file Returns ------- dict, np.array, record-array * lens catalog data in format, * bool array for selection, * raw data table before selection Notes ------ If using custom settings, you have to specify both :code:`params` and :code:`fullpaths`! Using inconsitent definitions result in a :code:`SyntaxError`. The first output is a dict with the following keys: * :code:`id` mock ID of the random points * :code:`ra` Right Ascension of the random points * :code:`dec` Delination of the random points * :code:`z` Redshift of the random points * :code:`qlist` np.array of mock quantities with shape (n_lens, n_quantity). This refers to the mock quantities assigned to the randoms points, * :code:`w` weight of the random points """ if params is None and fullpaths is None: params = paths.params fullpaths = paths.fullpaths elif None in (params, fullpaths): raise SyntaxError("Some of the arguments are left at default," " which results in inconsistent behaviour. " "If using custom input, define all arguments!") randpath = fullpaths[params["cat_to_use"]]["rand"] if isinstance(randpath, np.ndarray): randcat =[which]) else: randcat = randkey = params['randkey'] ra = randcat[randkey['ra']] if 'w' in randkey.keys(): w = randcat[randkey['w']] else: w = np.ones(ra.shape) mira = ra < 0. ra[mira] = ra[mira] + 360. dec = randcat[randkey['dec']] z = randcat[randkey["z"]] ids = np.arange(len(randcat)) if params["fields_to_use"] is not None: select = np.zeros(len(ra), dtype=bool) fields = get_fields_auto() for name in fields.keys(): select += field_cut(ra, dec, fields[name]) else: select = np.ones(len(ra), dtype=bool) nq = len(randkey.keys()) - 4 if "jkey" in randkey.keys(): nq -= 1 qlist = np.zeros(shape=(len(ra), nq)) for ival in np.arange(nq): colname = "q" + str(ival) qlist[:, ival] = randcat[randkey[colname]] data = { "id" : ids[select], "w" : w[select], "ra" : ra[select], "dec" : dec[select], "z" : z[select], "qlist" : qlist[select] } return data, randcat[select]
[docs]def prepare_lenses(bin_settings=None, params=None, fullpaths=None): """ Loads lens data and defines sub-selections for different parameter bins Parameters ---------- bin_settings : list (parameter_edges, N_randoms) can be specified independently from the pipeline settings, default is extracted from :code:`params` params : dict Pipeline settings in a dictionary format. If :code:`None` then the default :py:data:`paths.params` will be used fullpaths : dict Pipeline file paths in a dictionary format. If :code:`None` then the default :py:data:`paths.fullpaths` will be used Returns ------- data : dict * Relevant rows and indexes of the lens sample Notes ------ If using custom settings, you have to specify both :code:`params` and :code:`fullpaths`! Using inconsitent definitions result in a :code:`SyntaxError`. The format of the output data table: * :code:`id` catalog ID of the lenses * :code:`ra` Right Ascension of the lenses * :code:`dec` Delination of the lenses * :code:`qlist` np.array of quantities with shape (n_lens, n_quantity) * :code:`sinds` list of boolean selection indexes for each parameter bin * :code:`fullcat` selected rows of the full lens catalog * :code:`bounds` for each bin parameter bounds written as :math:`[x_0;\,x_1)` * :code:`plpairs` parameter boundaries simple simple list (just boundaries, not pairs or tuples) """ if params is None and fullpaths is None: params = paths.params fullpaths = paths.fullpaths elif None in (params, fullpaths): raise SyntaxError("Some of the arguments are left at default," " which results in inconsistent behaviour. " "If using custom input, define all arguments!") if bin_settings is None: bin_settings = paths.get_bin_settings(params, paths.assign_mode(params)) lenspaths = fullpaths[params["cat_to_use"]]["lens"] if isinstance(lenspaths, str): data, fullcat = load_lenscat(params, fullpaths) sinds, bounds, plpairs = selector(data["qlist"], bin_settings[0]) data.update({ "sinds" : sinds, "fullcat" : fullcat, "bounds" : bounds, "plpairs" : plpairs, }) elif isinstance(lenspaths, np.ndarray): datas = [] fullcats = [] _sinds = [] bounds = [] # preparing individual datasets for i, lpth in enumerate(lenspaths.flatten()): which = np.unravel_index(i, dims=lenspaths.shape) _data, _fullcat = load_lenscat(which=which) datas.append(_data) fullcats.append(_fullcat) bound = [] for j in which: _bound = (None, None, j) bound.append(_bound) bounds.append(bound) if i == 0: _sinds.append(np.arange(len(_data["id"]))) else: _sinds.append(_sinds[i-1].max() + 1 + np.arange(len(_data["id"]))) # collating into fiducial format data = {} for key in datas[0].keys(): data.update({key: np.concatenate([_data[key] for _data in datas])}) data.update({"fullcat": np.concatenate(fullcats)}) # reformatting sinds into normal boolean format sinds = [] for sind in _sinds: arr = np.zeros(len(data["id"]), dtype=bool) arr[sind] = True sinds.append(arr) data.update({"sinds": sinds}) data["qlist"] = None data["plpairs"] = None data.update({"bounds": bounds}) if "jkey" in params["lenskey"].keys() and params["lenskey"]["jkey"] is not None: data.update({"jk": data["fullcat"][params["lenskey"]["jkey"]]}) return data
[docs]def prepare_random(bin_settings=None, params=None, fullpaths=None): """ Loads random points and defines sub-selections for different parameter bins Parameters ---------- bin_settings : list (parameter_edges, N_randoms) can be specified independently from the pipeline settings, default is extracted from :code:`params` params : dict Pipeline settings in a dictionary format. If :code:`None` then the default :py:data:`paths.params` will be used fullpaths : dict Pipeline file paths in a dictionary format. If :code:`None` then the default :py:data:`paths.fullpaths` will be used Returns ------- data : dict * Relevant rows and indexes of the lens sample Notes ------ If using custom settings, you have to specify both :code:`params` and :code:`fullpaths`! Using inconsitent definitions result in a :code:`SyntaxError`. The format of the output data table: * :code:`id` mock ID of the random points * :code:`ra` Right Ascension of the random points * :code:`dec` Delination of the random points * :code:`qlist` np.array of mock quantities with shape (n_lens, n_quantity). This refers to the mock quantities assigned to the randoms points, * :code:`w` weight of the random points * :code:`sinds` list of boolean selection indexes for each parameter bin * :code:`fullcat` selected rows of the full lens catalog * :code:`bounds` for each bin parameter bounds written as :math:`[x_0;\,x_1)` * :code:`plpairs` parameter boundaries simple simple list (just boundaries, not pairs or tuples) """ if params is None and fullpaths is None: params = paths.params fullpaths = paths.fullpaths elif None in (params, fullpaths): raise SyntaxError("Some of the arguments are left at default," " which results in inconsistent behaviour. " "If using custom input, define all arguments!") if bin_settings is None: bin_settings = paths.get_bin_settings(params, paths.assign_mode(params)) randpaths = fullpaths[params["cat_to_use"]]["lens"] if isinstance(randpaths, str): data, fullcat = load_randcat(params, fullpaths) sinds, bounds, plpairs = selector(data["qlist"], bin_settings[0]) data.update({ "sinds" : sinds, "fullcat": fullcat, "bounds": bounds, "plpairs": plpairs, }) elif isinstance(randpaths, np.ndarray): datas = [] fullcats = [] _sinds = [] bounds = [] # preparing individual datasets for i, lpth in enumerate(randpaths.flatten()): which = np.unravel_index(i, dims=randpaths.shape) _data, _fullcat = load_randcat(which=which) datas.append(_data) fullcats.append(_fullcat) bound = [] for j in which: _bound = (None, None, j) bound.append(_bound) bounds.append(bound) if i == 0: _sinds.append(np.arange(len(_data["id"]))) else: _sinds.append(_sinds[i-1].max() + 1 + np.arange(len(_data["id"]))) # collating into fiducial format data = {} for key in datas[0].keys(): data.update({key: np.concatenate([_data[key] for _data in datas])}) data.update({"fullcat": np.concatenate(fullcats)}) # # reformatting sinds into normal boolean format sinds = [] for sind in _sinds: arr = np.zeros(len(data["id"]), dtype=bool) arr[sind] = True sinds.append(arr) data.update({"sinds": sinds}) data["qlist"] = None data["plpairs"] = None data.update({"bounds": bounds}) if "jkey" in params["lenskey"].keys() and params["lenskey"]["jkey"] is not None: data.update({"jk": data["fullcat"][params["lenskey"]["jkey"]]}) return data
[docs]class XIO(object): def __init__(self, lenses, randoms=None, params=None, dirpaths=None, nrandoms=None, force_centers=100): """ XSHEAR style input file creator Parameters ---------- lenses : dict dictionary with lens data randoms : dict, optional dictionary with random points data params : dict Pipeline settings in a dictionary format. If :code:`None` then the default :py:data:`paths.params` will be used dirpaths : dict Pipeline directory paths in a dictionary format. If :code:`None` then the default :py:data:`paths.dirpaths` will be used nrandoms : float or int number of random points to draw for each parameter bin with replacement. If :code:`None` then the value is extracted from :py:data:`paths.params` force_centers : int or np.array number of JackKnife centers, or the (RA, DEC) positions of the centers Notes ----- If :code:`nrandoms == -1` then all random points are used, and no random draw is made. In this case the weights are not applied properly, so be careful! Examples -------- Using default parameters specified in :py:data:`paths.params`. load catalogs:: lenses = parbins.prepare_lenses() randoms = parbins.prepare_random() initiate object:: xio = parbins.XIO(lenses, randoms) create project directory:: xio.mkdir() loop over all parameter bins:: xio.loop_bins(norands=args.norands) write logfile, for future reference:: logfile = xio.dpath + '/' + paths.params['tag'] + '_params.p' pickle.dump(paths.params, open(logfile, 'wb')) """ # containers self.flist = [] self.rlist = [] self.flist_jk = [] self.rlist_jk = [] self.ind = 0 self.bin_tag = None self.lenses = lenses self.randoms = randoms # inds of random points drawn self.idraw = None if nrandoms is None: self.nrandoms = paths.params["nrandoms"][paths.params["mode"]] else: self.nrandoms = nrandoms if params is None and dirpaths is None: self.params = paths.params self.dirpaths = paths.dirpaths elif None in (params, dirpaths): raise SyntaxError("Some of the arguments are left at default," " which results in inconsistent behaviour. " "If using custom input, define all arguments!") else: self.params = params self.dirpaths = dirpaths self.centers = force_centers if "jk" in lenses.keys() and "jk" in lenses.keys(): self.centers = None self._bin_jk_centers = None # set random seed self.rng = np.random.RandomState() self.rng.seed(seed=self.params["seeds"]['random_seed'])
[docs] def setbin(self, bound): """Assigns index and filenames for param bin based on :code:`bounds`""" self.bin_tag = "_qbin" for bb in bound: self.bin_tag += "-" + str(bb[2]) self.flist.append(self.params["tag"] + "_" + self.params["lens_prefix"] + self.bin_tag + ".dat") self.rlist.append(self.params["tag"] + "_" + self.params["rand_prefix"] + self.bin_tag + ".dat")
[docs] def mkdir(self): """creates project directory""" self.dpath = self.dirpaths['xin'] + "/" + self.params["tag"] if not os.path.isdir(self.dpath): os.mkdir(self.dpath) self.opath = self.dirpaths['xout'] + "/" + self.params["tag"] if not os.path.isdir(self.opath): os.mkdir(self.opath) self.respath = self.dirpaths['results'] + "/" + self.params["tag"] if not os.path.isdir(self.respath): os.mkdir(self.respath)
def _save_jk_cens(self): fname = self.dpath + '/' + self.params["tag"] + "_jkcens" + self.bin_tag + '.dat' np.savetxt(fname, self._bin_jk_centers)
[docs] def save_clust(self): """Writes lenses to file in xshear style""" sind = self.lenses['sinds'][self.ind] makecat(self.dpath + "/" + self.flist[self.ind], self.lenses['id'][sind], self.lenses['ra'][sind], self.lenses['dec'][sind], self.lenses['z'][sind]) print('saved ' + self.flist[self.ind]) fio.write(self.dpath + "/" + self.flist[self.ind].replace('.dat', '.fits'), self.lenses["fullcat"][sind], clobber=True)
[docs] def save_clust_jk(self): """writes cluster lens file for each JK patch in xshear style""" sind = self.lenses["sinds"][self.ind] ra = self.lenses["ra"][sind] dec = self.lenses["dec"][sind] if self.centers is not None: cens = self.centers # assuming number of JK centers is specified if not np.iterable(self.centers): cens = np.min((self.centers, len(ra))) _labels, self._bin_jk_centers = assign_kmeans_labels(np.vstack((ra, dec)).T, cens) jkinds, jkninds, labels = assign_jk_labels(ra, dec, self._bin_jk_centers) self._save_jk_cens() else: jkinds, jkninds, labels = extract_jk_labels(self.lenses["jk"][sind]) # write data table of selected clusters along with the assigned Jackknife IDs # try: # ftab = to_pandas(self.lenses["fullcat"][sind]) # ftab["JK_ID"] = labels # fio.write(self.dpath + "/" + self.fname[self.ind].replace('.dat', '.fits'), ftab.to_records(), clobber=True) # except: # print("cannot save JK_ID to file...") # fio.write(self.dpath + "/" + self.fname[self.ind].replace('.dat', '.fits'), self.lenses["fullcat"][sind], clobber=True) for label, jkind in enumerate(jkinds): froot = self.flist[self.ind].replace('.dat', '_patch' + str(label) + '.dat') fname = self.dpath + "/" + froot self.flist_jk.append(froot) makecat(fname, self.lenses["id"][sind][jkind], self.lenses["ra"][sind][jkind], self.lenses["dec"][sind][jkind], self.lenses["z"][sind][jkind])
[docs] def randsel(self, match=True): """ Selects random points to use (weighted draw with replacement) If :code:`self.nrandoms == -1` then all random points are used, and no random draw is made. In this case the weights are not applied properly, so be careful! Parameters ---------- match : bool Flag to match the random point distribution by their paramters to the lens distribution. The alternative is to just apply the parameter cut without further matching. """ rind = self.randoms['sinds'][self.ind] sind = self.lenses['sinds'][self.ind] if self.randoms["qlist"] is not None: pars = self.randoms["qlist"][rind] refpars = self.lenses["qlist"][sind] else: pars = None refpars = None rw = self.randoms['w'][rind] if self.randoms["qlist"] is not None and match: rw = matchdd(pars, refpars, win=rw) prw = rw / rw.sum() nr = rind.sum() if self.nrandoms == -1: self.idraw = np.arange(nr) else: self.idraw = self.rng.choice(np.arange(nr), size=self.nrandoms, p=prw, replace=True)
[docs] def save_rands(self): """Writes random points to file in xshear style""" rind = self.randoms['sinds'][self.ind] makecat(self.dpath + "/" + self.rlist[self.ind], self.randoms['id'][rind][self.idraw], self.randoms['ra'][rind][self.idraw], self.randoms['dec'][rind][self.idraw], self.randoms['z'][rind][self.idraw]) print('saved ' + self.rlist[self.ind]) fio.write(self.dpath + "/" + self.rlist[self.ind].replace('.dat', '.fits'), self.randoms["fullcat"][rind], clobber=True)
[docs] def save_rands_jk(self): """writes random points to file for each JK patch in xshear style""" rind = self.randoms['sinds'][self.ind] ids = self.randoms['id'][rind][self.idraw] ra = self.randoms['ra'][rind][self.idraw] dec = self.randoms['dec'][rind][self.idraw] zs = self.randoms['z'][rind][self.idraw] if self.centers is not None: jkinds, jkninds, labels = assign_jk_labels(ra, dec, self._bin_jk_centers) else: jkinds, jkninds, labels = extract_jk_labels(self.randoms["jk"][rind][self.idraw]) for label, jkind in enumerate(jkinds): froot = self.rlist[self.ind].replace('.dat', '_patch' + str(label) + '.dat') fname = self.dpath + "/" + froot self.rlist_jk.append(froot) makecat(fname, ids[jkind], ra[jkind], dec[jkind], zs[jkind])
[docs] def loop_bins(self, norands=False, match=True): """ Loops over (\lambda, z) parameter bins and save xshear input files Parameters ---------- norands : bool Flag to skip random points, default :code:`False`, (that is to include randoms) match : bool Flag to match the random point distribution by their paramters to the lens distribution. The alternative is to just apply the parameter cut without further matching. """ # loop over parameter bins for ind, bound in enumerate(self.lenses["bounds"]): self.ind = ind self.setbin(bound) self.save_clust() self.save_clust_jk() if not norands: self.randsel(match=match) self.save_rands() self.save_rands_jk() self.savelists(norands=norands)
[docs] def savelists(self, norands=False): """writes JK file paths to a file for future lookup""" fpath = self.dpath + "/" + self.params["tag"] + flist_suffix fpath_jk = self.dpath + "/" + self.params["tag"] + flist_jk_suffix np.savetxt(fpath, self.flist, fmt="%s") np.savetxt(fpath_jk, self.flist_jk, fmt="%s") if not norands: rpath = self.dpath + "/" + self.params["tag"] + rlist_suffix rpath_jk = self.dpath + "/" + self.params["tag"] + rlist_jk_suffix np.savetxt(rpath, self.rlist, fmt="%s") np.savetxt(rpath_jk, self.rlist_jk, fmt="%s")
[docs]def assign_kmeans_labels(pos, centers, verbose=False): """ Defines 2D patches on the sky via spherical k-means Parameters ---------- pos : np.ndarray positions of points in (RA, DEC) centers : int or np.ndarray Number of centers to use, or the (RA, DEC) coordinates of the centers verbose : bool verbose flag to pass to **kmeans_radec** Returns ------- np.array, np.ndarray * K-means labels * K-means centers """ if not np.iterable(centers): # if centers is a number ncen = centers nsample = pos.shape[0] // 2 km = krd.kmeans_sample(pos, ncen=ncen, nsample=nsample, verbose=verbose) if not km.converged:, maxiter=100) else: # if centers is an array of RA, DEC pairs assert len(centers.shape) == 2 # shape should be (:, 2) km = krd.KMeans(centers) labels = km.find_nearest(pos).astype(int) return labels, km.centers
[docs]def assign_jk_labels(ra, dec, centers): """ Assigns a Jacknife (JK) label to the points based on the passed centers Parameters ----------- ra : np.array Right Ascension of objects dec : np.array Declination of objects centers : np.array Coordinates of centers for K-means patches Returns -------- bool array, bool array, int array * inds which are *NOT IN* patch i, * inds which are *IN* patch i, * JK labels """ pos = np.vstack((ra, dec)).T km = krd.KMeans(centers) labels = km.find_nearest(pos).astype(int) sub_labels = np.arange(len(centers), dtype=int) # sub_labels = np.unique(labels) # indexes of clusters for subsample i non_indexes = [np.where(labels != ind)[0] for ind in sub_labels] # indexes of clusters not in subsample i indexes = [np.where(labels == ind)[0] for ind in sub_labels] return indexes, non_indexes, labels
[docs]def extract_jk_labels(labels): """ Extracts JK-labels from k-means label array Parameters ---------- labels : np.array k-means labels Returns ------- bool array, bool array, int array * inds which are *NOT IN* patch i, * inds which are *IN* patch i, * JK labels """ sub_labels = np.unique(labels.astype(int)) # indexes of clusters for subsample i non_indexes = [np.where(labels != ind)[0] for ind in sub_labels] # indexes of clusters not in subsample i indexes = [np.where(labels == ind)[0] for ind in sub_labels] return indexes, non_indexes, labels