
xpipe.xhandle.ioshear.xread(xdata, **kwargs)[source]

Reader for xshear output if style is set as both

Each row corresponds to the lensing profile of a single lens, average profiles require additional stacking

The output data is divided into two tables:

info contains values relevant for the lens in general. It has a shape (N_lens, 3). the columns are:

index:      index from lens catalog
weight_tot: sum of all weights for all source pairs in all radial bins
totpairs:   total pairs used

data contains values for individual radial bins. It has a shape (12, N_lens, N_rbin), the columns are:

npair_i:        number of pairs in radial bin i
rsum_i:         sum of weights * sigma_crit_inv * r
wsum_i:         sum of weights * sigma_crit_inv
ssum_i:         sum of weights
dsum_i:         sum of weights * g_t
osum_i:         sum of weights * g_x
dsensum_w_i:    sum of weights * sigma_crit_inv * gsens_t
osensum_w_i:    sum of weights * sigma_crit_inv * gsens_x
dsensum_s_i:    sum of weights * gsens_t
osensum_s_i:    sum of weights * gsens_x
mean_e1:        sum of weights * g_1
mean_e2:        sum of weights * g_2

In each case, _i means radial bin i


xdata (np.array) – raw xshear output loaded to np array


info, data, column description dictionary

Return type

np.ndarray, np.ndarray, dict